$2,900.00 USD

  • This is self guided so there will be no contact or questions with Doc K and her team. This allows us to give you this amazing program for a fraction of our original cost. 

  • You will have access to the modules in this program for 6 months, and a bonus FREE 6 months (365 days) starting from purchase date. 

  •  There will be NO refunds. You will have immediate access to all of the content. 

    Medical Disclaimer
  • All content and media on The Hashimoto's Solution Website, and any programs are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
    Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or listened to on this website or program.

    By purchasing this product you are agreeing to all of these terms. 

Hashimoto's Solution Self Guided Program

Welcome! This is an amazing self guided 6 month program, with access for an additional 6 months for FREE! That's a whole year of healing, in the comfort of your own home and you can finally stop the endless search for someone that has a CLUE about this disease! 

There are 8 video module sections with several video lessons in each section and each are packed with REAL ANSWERS, many that no one else is talking about. This is set up to give you all of the information you need to help yourself heal and deal with Hashimoto's, for the rest of your life! 

This is based on over 30 years of experience ( and our original 7k program) of helping thousands of other women and men, achieve amazing results and even remission! 

Are you ready for real answers? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired and getting no where? If you are motivated to take your Hashimoto's into your own hands and learn everything you need to know to feel amazing again - this is for you! 

What you'll get:

  •  Access for 6 months ( plus 6 more months FREE)  jam packed with modules (self guided) on topics including how to heal the gut, what to eat, how to lower antibodies, understand thyroid meds and labs, adrenals, master glands, blood sugar and more! 

  • You will learn mindset techniques that are important for healing that no one else is talking about in the autoimmune space. 

  • You will have access to order/purchase your own labs and Dr only food based supplements as needed. (labs and supplements are only available in the USA) 

  • You will have access to the modules in this program for 6 months and a BONUS extra 6 months for FREE  (365 days) starting from purchase date. 

  •  There will be NO refunds. You will have immediate access to all of the content.  

    Medical Disclaimer

All content and media on The Hashimoto's Solution Website, and any programs are created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.
Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition. Never disregard the advice of a medical professional, or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or listened to on this website or program.

What People Are Saying:

I can’t thank you enough... *My dream of watching my granddaughter makes me feel whole *I dropped weight I couldn’t lose for many years *Blood pressure is now normal! *WAY more energy! *OFF hormone patches *OFF acid reflux meds Jodi


I wake up every day with such gratitude and a new zest for life! It has changed my life completely. I feel wonderful!! No brain fog, headaches, stomach issues, my hair is looking wonderful. Weight and inches off. No more fatigue. I have energy and am excited to see what the future holds. You don't realize what bad of shape you are in until you finally find someone that gets it and understands this disease and knows the steps to help you. - Sandy


" Thank You !!!!! 1000x's over! Thank you! My results have so far exceeded my hopes at the beginning! I feel like I have life back in my bones!"

Nicole M

*Lost 20 pounds! *ALL of my symptoms are better, everything! *Brain fog - GONE *Joint pain so much better! I'm so thankful that I'm not lost anymore ~ R


Ladies!! 3 years ago I got my life back under control! I’m 64 years old and feel better than I did at 54 and 44! Doc K Cross is legit and I’m so grateful. I have the tools and the knowledge to help myself now. The helpless, depressing thought that there’s no one who can help me is gone!

Barb B

I’m feeling great! Good energy, confident, motivated, joyful and so thankful to God for my life. Appreciate you!


"I have had so many positive results! I've lost a little over 30 pounds, inflammation is down, my skin is bright, energy is starting to come back, brain fog is decreasing. The digestion issues that I have been having for years are mostly non-existent! It's so worth the investment in yourself!"

Stacy T

Today, I hit my next goal and am now down 25.6 lbs! It hasn't just been the weight - but I feel better!! I can't remember the last time that I had a headache. I can breathe better and am sleeping better...You really don't know how far you've come until you stop and look back...in such a short time frame. Thank you, thank you, thank you! - Allison F.

Allison F

I feel like I have my life back! No more joint pain, I sleep so much better, I'm not cold all the time, fatigue has lessened greatly, my voice is no longer hoarse, I've lost 30 lbs, I'm no longer bloated, the brain fog has lifted, my hair is becoming less crazy (used to look like I stuck my finger in a light socket), and I LOVE the way I'm eating now!


My biggest regret was not starting this journey sooner. I’m over 5 years in and I’m living my best life. Feeling better in my 50’s than I did in my 30’s!

Jennifer K

I am beyond thrilled with my progress. First, my antibodies are going down and now my nodules are shrinking!!! So much healing going on in my body since January. I am so grateful to Doc Karen ~Teri L.

Terri L

Lost 23lbs Fatigue, depression and anxiety greatly improved Eczema continues to improve Body aches, joint pain almost completely resolved!

Abby K

I lost a total of 10lbs! More energy! Hair isn’t as brittle! Memory has improved! Sleep has gotten better! My thyroid numbers have improved! Joint pain has improved!

Kristen V



Wow, Wow, Wow!!! I can't tell you how thankful I am for opening myself up to this and learning from you. For the first time in years I have hope for my life. You are the BEST!"

Dawn Y